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Floor Shop Crane Converted To 3-Pt. Mounted Forklift
Don Campbell, Gaylord, Mich., converted a floor shop crane to a 3-pt. mounted crane equipped with forks.
    “I made use out of something that was just taking up space and not being used at all,” he says.
    A few years ago he bought the cherry picker-type crane mounted on 4 steel wheels to use in his workshop. But after using it a couple times he decided to convert it to fit on back of his home-built, miniature Deere 4020 garden tractor. He used it to tow garden tractors around his yard.
    But then he kicked it up a notch by angling the leg ends to work like forks, so that he can use the crane to move light loads on pallets, too. The forks fold up, and 2 pins hold them in position out of the way.
    “I left the crane’s wheels in place so when the unit is detached, I can roll it around on a cement floor with the forks in the upright position,” says Campbell.
    He lowered the crane’s 3-pt. arms almost all the way and measured where the attachment pins needed to go. Then he took some 2-in. wide by 1/4-in. thick metal and welded it between the top and bottom of the crane’s frame to support a horizontal mounting bar, which he made from more 2 by 1/4-in. metal. He cut two 4-in. long pieces and drilled 3/4-in. dia. holes for the pins. After hooking the pins in the 3-pt. swivel balls he marked and welded them in place.
    “I measured the third link bracket and welded another shorter crossbar in place,” says Campbell. “Then I cut two more 4-in. long pieces and drilled 3/4-in. dia. holes in them for a pin to hold the top link. That way I can raise and lower the crane from the tractor. I then cut the wheels off the folding legs and tapered the ends similar to a forklift.
    “The forks can be easily raised by changing the position of 2 pins on each side. With the forks upright, I can use the crane to lift a garden tractor and tow it to my workshop.”
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Don Campbell, P.O. Box 132, 433 N. Ohio Ave., Gaylord, Mich. 49734 (ph 989 732-3946; doncampbellmodels@yahoo.com).

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2017 - Volume #41, Issue #1