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"Made It Myself" Tire Handling Tool
Darrell Terry built his first tire tool to take a 3-wheeler tire off the rim. It didn’t take long to figure out that his simple design would also work on the tires in his trucking fleet as well as the tires on his Farmall H tractor.
  “It works good on thicker sided wheels,” says the retired Buffalo, Texas, fleet owner. “It doesn’t work as well with aluminum wheels. You have to have air in the tire to make it work.”
  He uses leverage with his design that he calls a Tire Break Down. It’s made of round and square tubing. The tire is placed on the “feet,” and the handle is secured with a bolt to one of six holes according to the tire width. A lever slips between the rim and the tire. By pushing the handle down, the lever breaks the tire’s seal. Turn the tire over and repeat to break the seal on the other side.
  “You don’t need a hammer to knock off the bead,” Terry says, noting he made his first tool about 25 years ago when he couldn’t find anyone with tools to take a 3-wheeler tire off the rim. Since then, he made more, including one for his brother’s mechanic shop.
  After the bead is broken, Terry lifts the wheel up and sets it on top of the Tire Break Down, secures it with a bolt on a flanged pipe, and uses a tool to pull the tire off the rim one side at a time. It’s about waist high and convenient for working, he notes, adding that the tool’s feet need to be bolted or secured somehow to the floor so it doesn’t wobble.
  “It’s cheap and easy to make and would work real good on a farm,” Terry says.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Darrell Terry, 13069 FM 831, Buffalo, Texas 75831 (ph 903 322-6127).

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2013 - Volume #37, Issue #2